Friday, January 22, 2010


Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) RC Tools 4.0

Guide on how it is done :

This cheat will freeze your staff energy

Open your RC Tool v4.0
1) If you using Flash 9, copy C85D89C33B28408B
1) If you using Flash 10, copy C45D89C33B28408B

Restaurant City - Freeze Staff Energy Hack

Open your Cheat Engine
1) Select Firefox as your process

Part 1
2) Paste the code either C85D89C33B28408B or C45D89C33B28408B into the Hex box, set to 8 bytes and check Also scan read-only memory.
3) After the scan, get the address and paste back to RC Tools Get: box

Part 2
4) Paste the code FC5D89C33B28408B into the Hex box, set to 8 bytes and check Also scan read-only memory.
5) After the scan, get the address and paste back to RC Tools Get: box

Once done with Part 1 and 2, click Get Code. Copy the code and paste it to your Cheat Engine.
You will see „Freeze HP“ under the description, right click it and enable cheat.

Restaurant City - Freeze Staff Energy Hack

Your health will start increasing if you are having lower than 100%. It will increase till it stop at 100% and freeze.


What is Restaurant City?
It’s a game application developed by Playfish on Facebook.

How do you get ingredients?
You get ingredients 3 ways. The first is the daily freebie. This is automatic and will greet you as soon as you log on each day. The next is the daily quiz. Each day, you receive a quiz question in your inbox. If you answer the food quiz correctly, you get a free ingredient. The last way is when you visit a friend’s restaurant FOR THE FIRST TIME. Ever. No, it’s not a daily thing like in Pet Society; it’s a forever thing.

How do you get GP faster?
Keep your browser on! Minimize, switch to another window, your call. What’s important is, your restaurant window is running so you can gain GP. While you can gain money even if you’re offline, GP can only be gained when your window is on so if you’re going for the level-ups, keep that window open.

GP means gourmet points. That’s the little status bar on top of your screen that lets you know when you’ll level up next.

Quick Coins
Get quick coins by picking up trash and shaking trees. Trees? While you’re in restaurant view, scroll around your lot. Click all the trees you see because they sometimes drop coins.

Wheee! Recipes galore!
Even if you’re tempted to level up lots of recipes at once, restrain yourself. Your restaurant can only serve one dish from each category (appetizer, main course & dessert) at a time. So, choose one recipe, click to make sure it’s the recipe being served, and level that up. The higher the level of the recipe being served, the higher GP you get so stick to one. Unfortunately, a recipe’s level has no effect on money gains.

Cook to Waiter to Table Ratios?
There’s no hard and fast rule to ratios, but personally, I go with 3 tables per cook, then 1-2 waiters per 3 cooks. I always prioritize more cooks over waiters and it can work as long as you fix your table layout so that your waiter doesn’t have to walk far to serve your tables. Remember that waiters can serve tables diagonally so as long as the square they’re standing in has contact with the table, you’re set.

Keeping your Employees Happy
Monitor your employees happiness. Try to keep it big happy smile green (by feeding or resting) as much as you can because happier employees mean better productivity. Which simply translates to them moving faster.

Rest or Feed?
So, should you rest your employees when you’re offline? It’s still debatable but personally, I think it’s best to pump them up to full, then let them work. When you return, you’re assured of earnings up to a max of 2000. Even at the current maximum employee number of 8, you’ll spend at most 1600 feeding them sandwiches so you still make a profit of 400. Plus, it’s kinder to your restaurant reputation than closing your shop.

I can close my shop??Yes you can. Simply bar the door with something like a chair, table or your mailbox. Or you can just remove the door itself.

What’s up with my friends’ intricate mazes?
See some of your Facebook friends make their customers walk through intricate mazes before getting to their tables? Some people like doing mazes because it gives their wait staff more time to clear tables! Unlike in real life, here, customers don’t complain even if you make them walk to the far ends of the room just to get to their table. Of course, that also means it’ll take time before your guests can get seated so it means a slower customer turnover. It really is best to test your layouts to figure out what works best for you.


What are all the Ranks available in Pet Society?

Level 1
0 Paw Points
Getting Started

Level 2
20 Paw Points
New Arrival
Basic Ball

Level 3
50 Paw Points
Basic Frisbee

Level 4
100 Paw Points
Playful Pet
Basic Skipping Rope

Level 5
250 Paw Points
Fresh Face
Room 2 added to your house, Portable TV

Level 6
500 Paw Points
Promising Prospect
Better Soap

Level 7
750 Paw Points
One To Watch
Better Ball

Level 8
1,000 Paw Points
Growing Talent
Better Brush

Level 9
1,500 Paw Points
High Achiever
Better Frisbee

Level 10
2,000 Paw Points
Popular Pet
Better Skipping Rope

Level 11
2,500 Paw Points
Influential Pet
Room 3 added to your house, Digital TV

Level 12
3,000 Paw Points
Rising Star
Super Soap

Level 13
3,500 Paw Points
Established Presence
Super Ball

Level 14
4,000 Paw Points
Society Stalwart
Super Brush

Level 15
4,500 Paw Points
Famous Pet
Super Frisbee

Level 16
5,000 Paw Points
Media Darling
Super Skipping Rope

Level 17
6,000 Paw Points
High Profile Pet
Room 4 added to your house, Plasma TV

Level 18
7,000 Paw Points
Lovely Soap

Level 19
8,000 Paw Points
Celebrity Pet
Golden Ball

Level 20
9,000 Paw Points
It Pet
Golden Brush

Level 21
10,000 Paw Points
A-List Pet
Golden Frisbee

Level 22
11,000 Paw Points
Renowned Pet
Golden Skipping Rope

Level 23
12,000 Paw Points
Superstar Pet
Room 5 added to your house

Level 24
14,000 Paw Points
Hollywood Pet
Aqua Soap

Level 25
18,000 Paw Points
Megastar Pet
Pro Ball

Level 26
24,000 Paw Points
Platinum Pet
Crystal Brush

Level 27
32,000 Paw Points
Uberstar Pet
Star Frisbee

Level 28
42,000 Paw Points
Ultimate Achiever
Expert Skipping Rope

Level 29
54,000 Paw Points
Superb Pet
Room 6 added to your house

Level 30
68,000 Paw Points
Heroic Pet
Golden Star Soap

Level 31
84,000 Paw Points
Royal Pet
Crystal Ball

Level 32
102,000 Paw Points
Historic Pet
Ruby Brush

Level 33
122,000 Paw Points
Super Pet
Gem Frisbee

Level 34
144,000 Paw Points
All-Time Great
Star Skipping Rope

Level 35
166,000 Paw Points
Ultimate Pet
Room 7 added to your house

Level 36
188,000 Paw Points
Ruby Renowned Pet
Heart Soap

Level 37
210,000 Paw Points
Ruby Superstar Pet
Ruby Ball

Level 38
232,000 Paw Points
Ruby Hollywood Pet
Sapphire Brush

Level 39
254,000 Paw Points
Ruby Megastar Pet
Sapphire Frisbee

Level 40
276,000 Paw Points
Ruby Platinum Pet
Ruby Skipping Rope

Level 41
Ruby Uberstar Pet
Room 8 added to your house

Level 42
310,000 Paw Points
Ruby Ultimate Achiever Pet
Sapphire Heart Soap

Level 43
332,000 Paw Points
Ruby Superb Pet
Sapphire Ball

Level 44
354,000 Paw Points
Ruby Heroic Pet
Rainbow Brush

Level 45
376,000 Paw Points
Ruby Royal Pet
Rainbow Frisbee

Level 46
398,000 Paw Points
Ruby Historic Pet
Sapphire Skipping Rope

Level 47
420,000 Paw Points
Ruby Super Pet
Room 9 added to your house

What are the games that I can play in Pet Society?

Inside your treasure chest are 3 toys. There is a jump rope, a ball and a Frisbee. You can play with any of these toys. You can also play with them at your pets friends homes.

To play with an item, drag it out of your chest and place it above your pets head. You will get instructions on what to do! Playing with your pet keep their green bar up, that’s the happiness bar! You will also get coins for playing. Each 7 jumps, bumps or tosses will earn you 1 coin. However, you can’t get coins from your neighbors pets. But play with them anyway because they love it.

The stadium has hurdle races everyday! You get to run 10 races. You can practice all you want, and bet as well.
When you go into the stadium the first time, you will see 3 options.

1. Race

You will see the number 10 with the Race option. As you finish races this number will count down.

After 10 Races you’ll have to come back the next day to it again.

1st place you get 30 coins and 20 Paw Points.
2nd place you get 10 Paw Points.
3rd place you get 5 Paw Points.

2. Practice

As stated before you can practice all day or until your pet is just too tired. You don’t get coins in the Practice game but you will get Paw Points.

1st place you get 20 Paw Points.
2nd place you get 10 Paw Points.
3rd place you get 5 Paw Points.

3. Bet

Then there is the Bet option. This is great if you are lucky! You can bet in increments of 5 Coins for the pet you choose to win.

If you bet 5 Coins and the pet you chose wins, you win 10 Coins.
If you bet 25 Coins and the pet you chose wins, you win 50 Coins and so on.
But remember no matter what you bet, if the pet you chose loses you lose those coins!
So choose wisely and Good Luck!

What are other ways to earn Coins in Pet Society?

There are lots of fun ways for you and your pet to earn Coins. The best way of course is to go and visit your friends in your neighbourhood! You earn Paw Points and Coins this way.

You can only earn Coins on your first visit, but you get Paw Points each time you visit.

There is no limit to the number of friends you can have but there is a limit on the amount of Coins per visit.

Visits 1-50 = 20 Coins, 5 Paw Points.
Visits 51-75 =10 Coins, 5 Paw Points.
Visits 76 and beyond = 5 Coins, 5 Paw Points.

You can also earn extra Coins and Paw Points by helping take care of your friends Pets. You can wash them, pet them and even feed them! Just check their Cleanliness, Happiness and Health Bars. They are smaller than yours and on the right hand side of the page under the picture of your friends pet.
The amount of Coins and Paw Points varies on each pet!

You can also win Coins by running through the trees in your neighbourhood! There is no set amount, it varies. But you can do this more than once. After you run through the trees you have to go back home, but then you can leave and do it again!

Visit the Bank. You can buy Pet Society coins for real money at the Bank. You can also sign up for a one-time account with Trial Pay and get 3,000 coins – but you need a credit card for most, if not all offers.

Don’t forget, everyday that you log in to play with your Pets you will win the Lottery. It ranges from 50 Coins to 500 Coins! Best of luck!

What can I do with my Coins?

Coins can be used to buy things for your Pet from the shops in your neighbourhood!
There are several different shops to visit. You can find each of these shops by clicking on the Globe Icon. From there you will get a list of each shop. Click on the icon of the shop you want to visit and your Pet will go there right away!

The Food Shop – This is where you buy the food to keep your Pets Health up. There is a big variety to choose from and the prices range from 5 Coins up to 2,000 Coins! There is occasionally Holiday Food too! You can buy as much food as you want and it will be stored in your Treasure Chest. Whenever your Pet wants to eat, the health bar will start to drop, the more it drops the more food or larger food it will take to fill your Pet up. If your Health gets too low, your Pet will start to move slower and their head will droop. And sometimes your Pet will “dream” of food! Also your Happiness bar will start to go down as well. So make sure you keep your Pet fed. All you have to do is click on your Treasure Chest and drag an item of food to your Pet, if it is on the floor your Pet will eat it! If you place a food item on the floor and your Pet won’t eat it, it’s because they are not currently hungry.

The Furniture Shop – This is where you can buy all sorts of furniture for your Pets house. You can buy anything from a Bedside Table to a Couch. There are lots of ways to personalize and make your house unique for your Pet. There are new things added so make sure you stop by often. And don’t forget this is where you can buy Mystery Boxes!

Mystery Boxes come in 3 different sizes:

Small Red Mystery Boxes (RMB’s) cost is 50 Coins.
Medium Blue Mystery Boxes (BMB’s) cost is 200 Coins.
Large Gold Mystery Boxes (GMB’s) cost is 500 Coins.

All sorts of things can be found in the boxes, each one is a surprise!

The Clothing Store – This is where you can find all sorts of outfits for your Pet! You can also buy accessories, like shoes, bracelets and hats. Everything your Pet needs to look their best or silliest can be found here.

The Luxury Store – This is where all the luxuries a spoiled Pet could ask for! The best of the best is located here. Top of the line clothes, furniture, accessories and toys!

The D.I.Y. Store – This is where you get to buy things to really help personalize your house. From wallpaper to flooring to sinks and tubs. You can even buy doors and windows to make your Pets house truly unique.

The Café – After a long day of visiting your friends, sometimes you just want to take it easy. You can go to the Café and buy a Latte, Cappuccino or Mocha. You can also get a snack! The Café also carries cups and mugs and coffee makers for your Pet’s home. The best part is that you get to meet new Pets! The first time you go to the Café you will have a choice on whether or not your Pet goes to the Café when you are not playing with it. The instructions will pop up and you can make a Yes or No choice. There are 9 Pets sitting in the Café and you can click on them and get to visit in their homes. You don’t get Coins for visiting these Pets but you will get Paw Points. If you enjoy your visit you have the option to add this person to your friends list. Of course they will have to accept your request, but it is a great way to meet new friends!

The Bank – This is where you can buy Coins with real money. Please make sure you read all the instructions and in most cases you will need a credit card.

The Stadium – This is where you go to run your races, practice or bet on races.

The Stylist – Do you want to change your Pets colour or name or maybe you want to change whether they are a boy or girl. This is the place to do it! But remember changes will cost Coins. You will receive a pop up to let you know how much and if you are sure you want to spend your Coins.

There are all sorts of things to do each and everyday with your Pet. So make sure you explore the neighbourhood, visit your friends and have a great time!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Biotronic Bot (Facebook game cheater)

Biotronic Bot is a program for Windows that allows you to automate the game Biotronic of Facebook in order to achieve very high scores.

We assume no responsibility for any damage, malfunction or improper use of this software.

With this, the user declines the author from any form of material, immaterial, physical, psychological or moral damage. The software is released ‘as is’, the author does not collect data of its users, the program does not change other programs made by third parties.

The modification, sale and redistribution of this software without the permission of the author is expressly forbidden. The author can disable the program at any time.

By accepting these conditions you can use the program.

facebook hack Biotronic Bot (Facebook game cheater)


Version 1.0:


  1. Open Biotronic on facebook
  2. Play the game
  3. Drag the purple gem into the game
  4. Start the Bot

To pause the bot just press Caps Lock


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